Lindsay Rogers
Johnson City, TN
Lindsay Rogers is a potter, educator, and avid gardener living in the mountains of East Tennessee. She received her BA with a concentration in printmaking from Sarah Lawrence College in 2001 and an MFA in ceramics from the University of Florida in 2013. Over the years, Lindsay has used her work as a ceramic artist to advocate for a more locally based, sustainable food system. She has participated in collaborations with artists, chefs, and farmers. Her pottery, writing, and words can be found in a range of publications from books to blogs, magazines, and podcasts. She is currently an Associate Professor of Ceramics at East Tennessee State University.
Artist Statement
My current studio practice has a historical foundation that is deeply rooted in craft tradition. I make my pottery from brown stoneware clay that I form on a manually operated treadle wheel. Aesthetically, I see distinct beauty in all things marked by time. Sturdy old tools, agricultural landscapes and weathered metal, wood, and stone objects all stand out as influences for the surface of my work.
However, conceptually, my thoughts in the studio are often tied to a food movement that is socially and culturally contemporary. Food production and how we create, serve, and eat in this country is something that I think about frequently as I work. Many years ago, I chose pottery as a vehicle for self-expression as an artist because I saw the tremendous beauty that came from the experience of creating and sharing a lovingly prepared meal. Over time, I came to understand just how ripe with possibility this connection between pottery and food could be. From utilitarian tableware to complex presentation vessels, all of the forms I make have one common thread: to encourage a reconnection with each other and with the food we eat.