Kari Radasch
Portland, Maine
Kari Radasch is a mother, potter and tile maker living in Portland Maine. She received her BFA from the Maine College of Art and her MFA from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Kari aims to make celebratory pottery using earthenware clay and color as a metaphor for joy. She plucks nostalgic observations from her life and reassembles and reimagines these investigations, onto functional dishes-- a format that has the unique ability to hold a warm, sentimental place in our lives. She has taught workshops and lectured across the country and loves to share her excitement for clay with her students.
Artist Statement
My earthenware pots are both sparse and embellished. Structurally my dishes are very straightforward, yet the surfaces tend towards bold, graphic and at times peculiar ornamentation. I revel in this dualism by collecting, arranging and garnishing; then organizing, simplifying and editing both my forms and surface. I pluck joyous observations from my surroundings. I reassemble and reimagine these investigations, like sketches in a sketchbook, onto functional dishes—a format which has the unique ability to hold a warm sentimental place in our lives.